Name of the company Royal auto Nagasaki Ltd
Representative director Tetsuya Fukushima
Address zip cord 857-0336 / 136-1 kandamen sazacho kitamtsuura-County Nagasaki Japan / TEL:0956-41-1117
Capital Three million yen
Work content Auto sales, car inspection, and repair, Parallel import car registration, Various insurance agency

Staff enrolled in selling used cars

Staff enrolled in selling used cars
And used car sales are?
It is a system which is given training in him, examines and authorizes the salesperson of a store who has joined in JU (corporation Japan Used Car Dealers Association) for the purpose of what "we send one optimal set for to you in a visitor's position." Authorization of used Car sales needs to take a lecture on fixed training and to pass an examination. In royal auto Nagasaki, used Car sales will support a visitor so that he may feel easy about all the visitors and you can purchase an inexpensive car.


shop staff
Royal Auto Nagasaki
Thank you very much for seeing our homepage lately.
Also in order for royal auto Nagasaki to let a car pass, to deepen partnership with a visitor and to have a comfortable private car life life led, I will do my best in it from now on also.


Representative director:Tetsuya Fukushima
Coming soon!
Director:Midori Fukushima
Coming soon!
Store manager:Yoshiaki Matsuo
Coming soon!
Business:Yoshihira Hajime
Coming soon!
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